New Material Art Fair, South Beach Miami
December 2013

New Material is a satellite fair concurrent with Art Basel Miami that premiered December 2013 at the Chesterfield Hotel on Collins Ave. During much discussion around the disillusion that many artists felt with the current art fair formats, we developed a fair that allowed for individual artists either with gallery representation or independent, to use NMAF as a lab to test “new material”. Our title pertains to the careers of successful artists built on work that has reached its potential and invites them to follow risk and experimentation in ways that the art market does not support.

Artists must often forgo natural instinct to grow in order to make art for the sake of sales and critical acclaim, and NMAF was a site of support for these unexpected projects to be exposed to new audiences.

List of Category Artists:

Artist Exhibition Spaces:
Paul-Emile Rioux, Montreal QC // Roxanne Savage, Fairfax CT // Zack Lobdel, Stillwater NY // Allison Kotzig, Delray Beach, FL // John Bambino, Chicago IL // Paula-Part, Brooklyn NY // Amanda Hudson, Brooklyn NY // Antidote Projects, Chicago IL // Dana Blickensdefer, Tampa FL // Leigh Anne Chambers, Courtland VA // Diane Ponder / Living-Room Gallery, Chicago IL

Not For Sale Exhibitors:
Roman Arevalo, Miami FL // Perry Pandrea, Coconut Grove FL // Sam Jones, Blue Hill Maine // Kevin O’Malley, Savannah GA

Solo Exhibition Winner: Holly-Marie Armisha, Vancouver BC

Public Image Film & Video Exhibitors:
Madeleine Von Froomer, New York NY //Pilar MAta Dupont, Argentina/Australia // Rick Pushinsky, London UK