3 Channel Video/Audio Installation
Video 1 – Scuffers – TRT – 6:18
Video 2 – Pink Mist – TRT – 6:00
Video 3 – Engage/Disengage TRT – 9:00 (MOS)

Siren Fall is a 3-channel installation joining three sister videos; Siren Fall, Pink Mist & Engage/ Disengage. This work (inspired while teaching at the Western University in London Ontario 2006 – 2007) captures London girls interpreting military fashion through the filters of suburbia; subconsciously undermining the “advances” of feminist art. Militarism exists in uniformity and Siren Fall presents these girls and environments according to their own internalized aesthetic and cultural references and systems. Standing outside the territory of stylists, paparazzi, and professional art crews, Siren Fall illustrates the trickle-down effect, and the failed critique of military imagery.